
Heist Party

Release: Tentatively, Fall 2020

Heist party is a couch co-op party game. Plan a heist… Steal some stuff… Betray your friends!

Roles: Solo engineer, artist, and designer

Key skills: Software / gameplay engineering, multiplayer design, performance analysis and mitigation, 2D and 3D art


Release: TBD

VR space station exploration and survival game

Roles: Solo engineer, artist, and designer

Key skills: Software / gameplay engineering, performance analysis and mitigation, 3D art, unwrapping, and texturing



Release:, Google Play

Mobile puzzle game for kids

Roles: Technical artist, gameplay programmer

Key skills: Software / gameplay engineering, shader development, UI implementation

Tools and Systems

Universal Identifiers

Release: Unity Asset Store – soon

System that supplants Unity’s Resource system, providing generated, hard-coded references to project assets and scene instances

Roles: Solo system designer and software engineer

Key skills: Software / systems engineering


Release: Unity Asset Store, Re-release pending

Editor extension for Unity providing a C# interpreter (REPL) for Unity scripts

Roles: Solo system designer and software engineer

Key skills: Software / systems engineering


Release: Unity Asset Store – soon

Code-based state machine library for Unity, with tight editor integration. Battle-tested throughout “Decommissioned”

Roles: Solo system designer and software engineer

Key skills: Software / systems engineering


Release: Obsolete due to new Unity input system

Flexible multi-platform input manager for Unity. Reflex replaces Unity’s input system, providing easy controller mapping, extensible controller types, and easy multiplayer support

Roles: Solo system designer and software engineer

Key skills: Software / systems engineering


Release: Internal Tool

Performant, dynamic mesh batching/combination system. Chimera seamlessly builds combined meshes on the fly – meshes can be added and removed at will, respecting LODs, materials, etc.

Roles: Solo System designer, software engineer, technical artist

Key skills: Software / systems engineering, coding for performance


Release: Internal tool

Editor tool complementing Unity’s Blender pipeline. Remesh allows the user to selectively hide meshes within a Blend file from the Unity importer, keeping the their Unity Projects clean and free from placeholder objects, empties, and other non-essential objects.

Roles: Solo System designer, software engineer, technical artist

Key skills: Software / systems engineering, knowledge of Unity’s Asset pipeline